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How to Operate and Manage the Water Park After Opening?

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Especially in recent years, no matter how and where a water park project is launched, the profit margin is not too bad. The question is how to get a higher return on investment. This is not only the core need of the park investment and construction, but also the concern of the aqua park project after opening. In this regard, we will discuss how to manage the operation of the water park after it opens?

1. The main image of water ride companies

According to the water park project's job standards, work image management, check and supervise whether the personnel are executed according to the standards, appearance and instrument, etiquette and other aspects are in line with the requirements of the job standards; and make the staff image reach the standards through training.

2. The supporting market promotion of water ride companies

After management supervision is in place, the responsibilities of all positions within the water ride companies should be clarified, such as equipment operation and maintenance, customer service, ticket checking, etc., to ensure that the operation of each position is clear. Through on-site guidance, timely detection and correction due to personnel operation errors, work is not in place and other issues, quickly rationalize the workflow and improve the work management level of the entire park.

3. Good management and supervision of water ride companies

In general, before the opening of the water park project, we should develop a corresponding marketing plan at a later stage. After the opening of the park, in the marketing and promotion process, the value, feasibility and necessity of a series of marketing and promotion plans before the opening was analyzed. Then the plan is quickly adjusted and improved to improve the efficiency of marketing promotion and conversion rate, but must pay attention to the promotion time.

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